The RAD System- Weapon Retention and Disarm

This manual will be available soon; it is in the final editing stage now.

The RAD System- Weapon Retention and Disarm is the training manual for both the 3 day seminar and the 2 week extensive course. The video series will follow the syllabus for the 2 week training program but with certain exercise evolutions restricted due to circumstance and the training environment. All of the written work is original by the author, me, although the techniques and some of the tactics come from our traditional internal system; namely Little Nine Heaven (Hsiao Chui Tien), Ba kua and Splashing Hands. In fact this manual is really intended as an advanced guide to be used in conjunction with the Splashing Hands Fighter Training Manual- The Skills and Drills to Take Splashing Hands to the Instinctive Level. These styles have been blended together, forged and tempered by my own life experiences into a unique method of fighting. It is most likely that the combination of the three styles came about as a by-product of the tactical problem of firearms weapon retention and disarm.

The three fighting styles selected, along with Iron Hand which I consider mandatory no matter style a student learns, form the core of this fighting system. These styles were selected for particular attributes they have to solve the specific problem of weapon retention and disarm. In fact that is how I developed this program; to satisfy a specific need I had as a security operator to fill the gaps in this subject that I had found somewhat lacking in my own search for weapon and small team military-style tactical training. Some of the things I was taught in this regard by the trainers I worked with over the years were pretty good but I found it was missing something; first and foremost, I never really had any instructor offer a technique to counter a two-handed weapon grip. Everything was from this western style one arm extended shooting position which is really only done by a tactical shooter when one arm is disabled.

I needed a way to counter the greater strength of grip afforded to a shooter who uses a two hand position, where the standard “grab and control” techniques were inadequate at best. Knowing how to grab is probably more important than physical strength. This is where Iron Hand, Ba Kua and Splashing Hands come in. Iron Hand not only makes the hands harder and more impervious to damage when striking but also teaches the mechanics of grabbing; how and where to grab, digging in with the fingers, the order to close them when tearing in, etc. and the exercises to strengthen the overall power. Ba Kua holds the keys to the grab technique itself as it pertains to controlling a live firearm but also the tight quarters footwork necessary to successfully make the initial grab and complete the combination to disarm. The side shuffle and the backspin are instrumental in the footwork of break and takedown along with many other aspects of this versatile art.

The manual uses a step by step, slow is smooth, smooth is fast approach to teaching with everything broken down into phases of movement for ease of assimilation. The following is the table of contents;

Tactics, Techniques and Procedures- Situation overview. The premise and justification for developing these techniques to the deepest level along with a statement of mission.

Glossary- Specialty terms and nomenclature unique to retention and disarm.

Terminology- Phraseology for tactics and principles.

Acronyms- Brevity codes common to the program.

Hierarchy of Instruction and Training- Step by step method for teaching yourself and others.

Principles of RAD- The foundation ideas that the program is built around.

Basic Foundation Techniques- The physical building blocks of all other techniques and movement patterns.

Movement Principle and Combinations- The four basic retention situations, two types of attack and the four directions of attack. Movement phases for retention and disarm and the root combination techniques.

Scenarios and Combination Sequencing- Based around the four situations, two types and four directions of attack.

Retention Sequences- Immediate action drills for retention scenarios for long guns and pistols based on the previous criteria.

Disarm Sequences- Same as above including a breakdown of the five phase movement pattern.

Long Gun Disarms- A dedicated chapter specific to this specialized problem situation.

Organizing Effective Training- Outlines methods to develop efficient and productive training methods with a maximum emphasis on operator safety.

Knife Disarms- A dedicated chapter to this most dangerous of situations.

This manual will be available soon; it is in the final editing stage now.